Resources - Activities
These internet sites are related to activities for atheists. If you know of a web site that should be included in this list, please share it with us.
Backyard Skeptics http://www.backyardskeptics.com/
- Backyard Skeptics, a community of non-theists, atheists, humanists and evidencialists actively advocating the position of non-belief and the support of church and state separation, is the largest skeptic/atheist organization in conservative Orange County, California, USA.
In addition to the entertaining and elightening monthly meetings, the Backyard Skeptics also organize fun events for the secular community which include field trips to science-oriented events, movie nights, skeptic pub nights, camping trips, and local debates and conferences.
Camp Quest - Summer camp beyond belief http://www.campquest.org/
- Camp Quest is a non-profit organization that provides an educational summer camp adventure shaped by fun, friends and freethought, featuring science, natural wonder, and humanist values. Values being taught include integrity, empathy, creativity, critical thinking, and community.
Rock Beyond Belief http://www.rockbeyondbelief.com/
- Rock Beyond Belief is an ambitious project that will be putting on a free festival consisting of secular speakers and musicians, both big name and small. This organization is a small grass-roots outfit with the backing of many major secular and military foundations.
After the great success they had on Fort Bragg, Rock Beyond Belief is intently focusing on putting together more events in the future.
SkeptiCamp http://www.skepticamp.org/
- SkeptiCamps are informal, community-organized conferences borne from the desire for people to share and learn in an open environment. Everyone from casual skeptics to the experienced participate give talks and get to know each other at these events.
Events are generously volunteer-based with donations of resources from major local companies, and hosted at a variety of venues (including University classrooms) in major cities throughout the world. Although the topics are of more interest to student and adult audiences, children are welcome too (and some do accompany their parents).
Vancouver Skeptics in the Pub http://www.vancouverskeptics.org/inthepub/
- Vancouver Skeptics in the Pub is a fun and friendly casual social event that welcomes all local science enthusiasts who value critical thinking and skepticism. Meeting monthly, this group enjoys conversation, drinks, and food in a friendly atmosphere at a number of locations.