Resources - Philosophy
This is a list of resources focused on philosophy. If you know of a web site that should be included in this list, please share it with us.
New Stoics, The - complimenting Orthodox Stoicism with modern Stoicism https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLvL6ois5T15An9QP_nPVpA
- Many people now aspire to be Stoics but find it hard to understand the real meaning behind it. This YouTube channel, which is hosted by Tim Huggins, concludes the ways anyone can be part of the stoicism society in these modern times, and he hopes you enjoy the educational videos that he makes available (this is not just a YouTube channel, it is an educational organization).
Ocean Keltoi - find a way or make one https://www.youtube.com/c/OceanKeltoi
- Ocean Keltoi is a Pagan Activist, News Junkie, Great Debate Freak, History Nut, Filmmaker, Space Exploration Enthusiast, Lurker, and Off-Duty Viking who is also known in certain atheism communities for providing interesting and thought-provoking philosophical perspectives and insights into theology, atheism, and related subjects in an overall evenly-balanced manner.
Royal Institute of Philosophy, The https://www.royalinstitutephilosophy.org/
- Since 1925 the Royal Institute of Philosophy has been dedicated to the advancement of philosophy. Each year they sponsor hundreds of free, open philosophy events, bring critical thinking to more than a thousand young people in schools, publish books, journals, videos, and so much more. The Institute's 1925 "Memorandum of Association" states the objectives of the Institute:
- "to promote the advancement of philosophical study by teaching and research"
- "to help those interested in and perplexed by the problems of modern life to ask the right questions"
- "to bring leading exponents of the various branches of Philosophy into direct contact with the general public"
Throughout its history, the Institute has kept these objectives in view, and has every intention of continuing to do so.
Something to scroll through... http://rich-laduca.blogspot.ca/
- Rich LaDuca is the author of this blog (which was cleverly entitled "Something to scroll through...") within which he explores the pragmatic and philosophical aspects of various topics that often also relate to atheism or theism. Some of the topics focus on the wisdom of ethics and morality, and how change insightfully factors in.
Too Late For the Gods https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8yv56htOa8szrNq7Y2ECGQ
- Too Late For the Gods is hosted by Jeffrey Williams, who provides an insightful focus on philosophy from a somewhat Heideggerian perspective, liberalism, and atheism. He also invites discussion on any of his videos or topics discussed.
See also: Jeffrey Williams' web site (and blog)